The United Way of the Greater Triangle serves Orange, Durham, Wake and Johnston counties. Explore the resources below for statistics related to childhood hunger.

Children living in poverty in the Greater Triangle Area

The number of children living in poverty is not uniform throughout the 4 counties. The interactive map belows provides statistics on the children living in different places (towns/cities) in each of the counties. The marker is colored by the percentage of children in that place living in poverty - the darker the marker, the higher the percentage. Note that the number of children that the percentage represents is significantly different for large cities like Raleigh vs smaller towns like Garner even when they have similar percentages. Click on the marker to see the following statistics per place:

Note that “children”" are 0-17 years of age.

Percent Children Living in Poverty by City/Town

Detailed View

A different way to look at the statistics is by census tract. Census tracts are small subdivisions of a county. In the greater Triangle area, the average number of people in a census tracts is 5000. The interactive map below shows the 4 counties divided by census tract. Each tract is colored by the number of children living in poverty in that area - the darker the color, the higher the number of children. Click on an area to see the following statistics per census tract:

Note that “children”" are 0-17 years of age.

Number of Children Living in Poverty by Census Tract

Explore Statistics

Explore other statistics of interest from the US Census Bureau American Community Survey


2014 American Community Survey 5-year estimates - US Census Bureau


Christine Grassi
Kruthika Potlapally
Gunes Yucel
Zeydy Ortiz